Trustafarian began on a cycle ride deep in the Surrey countryside where Great Uncle Harry was first imagined...

The game has been created and designed in the UK, by a trio of game enthusiasts using the story of Great Uncle Harry. It brings to life their multiplayer dual board game that promotes teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills in a fast-paced, high stakes game fit for family and friends alike!

The creators

Bringing the Great Uncle Harry story and their love of team-based board games to life are...


Creator and Co-Director of Trustafarian Ltd.
Passionate about story-rich and team-based games - with craic.
Sore loser!

Darren Woodside

Co-Director of Trustafarian Ltd and the authentic voice of Great Uncle Harry.
Likes to sit toward the front of the aircraft. Cannes aficionado. Powered by Blue Mountain coffee.

Jonathan Docksey

Co-Director of Trustafarian Ltd and Founder of Design JD Ltd. London-based branding and digital extraordinaire. Stoked about making visuals of Great Uncle Harry!

Start your adventure...
Are you ready to help Great Uncle Harry?
He is waiting for your help and discover the fortune on offer!
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